
Our Blog

Get informed and inspired on legal, tech and more
Aug 12, 2022

Women In Legaltech Industry

Harshita Garg
Mar 31, 2022

Why Lawyers Can Be Good Programmers

Mohsin Saleem Ullah
Mar 25, 2022

Legal Chatbots For Lawyers

Mohsin Saleem Ullah
Mar 11, 2022

Top Trending LegalTech Tools in 2022

Mohsin Saleem Ullah
Feb 28, 2022

How Technology Benefits the Legal Sector

Mohsin Saleem Ullah
How To
Dec 22, 2021

Non-Disclosure Agreements Decomposed

Hans Paul Pizzinini
Nov 19, 2020

LegalTech 101: What the Buzz is All About

Hans Paul Pizzinini

The Collaboration between Humans and AI in Contract Review and Management.

Collaboration between Humans and AI in Contract Review and Management.
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The Ultimate Guide to Legal AI for SMBs, Founders, and CEOs: Revolutionizing Business Operations

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What Are Contract Redlines?: The Ultimate Guide.

Welcome to your ultimate guide to contract redlining!
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AI Co-Pilots: Revolutionizing Contract Negotiation and Drafting

Drafting and negotiating contracts with AI co-pilot
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The Future of Legal Tech: Exploring the Benefits of AI in Contract Analysis

Explains current practices of AI in legal tech and future tech in legal.
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How to Implement Clickwrap Agreements: A Step-by-Step Legal Guide

Clickwrap agreements are digital contracts that users consent to by clicking a button or ticking a checkbox that explicitly states agreement, such as “I agree” or “Accept”.
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AI-Powered Contract Review: Affordable Legal Protection for Small Businesses

Streamline contract review and mitigate legal risks with AI-powered language analysis tools. Leverage advanced natural language processing for affordable, comprehensive contract management tailored for small businesses.
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10 Strategic Approaches to Minimize Your Company's Legal Expenditures

Cut legal costs without quality loss: Embrace LegalTech, outsource smartly, adopt proactive strategies, and educate employees for savings.
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Data Analytics in Contract Compliance: Simplifying Oversight and Accountability.

Unlock contract management excellence with Data Analytics! Elevate precision, mitigate risks, and save costs. Explore the future with SpeedLegal.
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Top Contract Management Software Trends of 2024

Navigate the dynamic landscape of Contract Management Software in 2024! AI-driven visibility, NLP simplifies contracts, Blockchain security, CLM integrations, and more for organizational excellence.
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Is Legaltech Really Affordable? Exploring the Reality of Legal Technology's Cost

Find the answer to the long pending question - Is Legaltech really affordable? In this blog, we dive deep and answer this question once and for all.
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Cloud Based SaaS: The Future Of Legaltech

What is the impact of cloud-based SaaS on the legal industry and why is it poised to become the future of Legaltech? Find out in this blog.
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Finding The Right Legaltech Tools for Small Law Firms: A Comprehensive Guide 2023

Choosing the right Legaltech tools can be overwhelming for a small law firm. And with so many options available in 2023, it's important to make informed decisions that will benefit your business in the long run. Get the guide to choosing the right Legaltech tool for your need here.
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Efficient Contract Renewal: The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Revenue & Relationships

Contract renewal clauses are included in almost all contracts. It's important to understand how to renew your contracts efficiently to make the most of the opportunity. Read the blog to find out
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What’s In Store For CLM In 2023?

Are you ready for the future of contract management? The world of digital contracts is constantly evolving and 2023 is no exception. Don't get left behind, stay ahead of the game with the latest insights and predictions for contract management. Find out what's next for CLM in 2023.
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Revolutionizing Legal Operations: How Standardizing Contracts Can Benefit Founders and CEOs

If you are a founder or CEO, you know the importance of streamlining processes and maximizing efficiency in order to scale your business. In this blog, we'll talk about how Claustack is making it possible with OneNDA and OneDPA. We'll also talk about how you can streamline your legal processes with SpeedLegal and Claustack.
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7 Industries That Can Benefit The Most From Contract Management Software

Are you struggling to keep track of your company's contracts and agreements? Are you worried about missing important deadlines or violating compliance regulations? If so, you may want to consider implementing contract management software. But is this tool right for your business? In this blog, we'll explore the industries that stand to benefit the most from contract management software and how it can help streamline your processes and reduce the risk of mistakes. Read on to see how contract management software can improve your operations.
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Contract Management Challenges And Their Solutions

Contract Management comes with its own challenges. What are they, and how can they be addressed? Let's find out.
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Are Your Contracts Really Protected? Let's Find Out

As the business world becomes digital, electronic contracts come in handy on daily basis and they can easily be lost, misplaced, or accidentally destroyed. The old school techniques and on paper contracts just don’t work as efficiently anymore. Failure to protect contracts and the information they contain can put you and your business at risk. In this blog, we'll find out if your contracts are secure and what to do if they aren't. We'll also cover everything you need to know about contract security so that you can reduce the risk of contracting.
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5 Upcoming Trends In CLM To Watch Out For

The field of CLM has changed a lot in recent years. Legaltech companies are coming up with more innovative and better solve to make managing contracts easier and faster. Here are 5 upcoming trends in CLM that you should look out for.
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Why Do Contracts Need To Be User-Friendly?

We have seen how complex and not user-friendly modern contracts are. The documents are written in black and white text, using " legalese" language, with no page layout design. As a result, contracts often end up in drawers and are unused. So how can contracts be designed so that everyone can read and understand them? And why is it so important to make it user-friendly in the first place?
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Legaltech Unlocking New Career Path For Students

Learn what it means to be a legal technologist, and how you can get more involved in Legaltech from Christopher Tart-Roberts, Head of Lawtech at Macfarlanes.
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Top 10 Best Legal Software For Non-Lawyers

There are more than 2500 tools for the legal industry at the moment. On the surface level, many of them might look similar, but a few are truly innovative and disruptive in the Legaltech sector. Which ones are they? Read this article to find out.
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Legaltech – The One Step Solution?

We have heard a lot about Legaltech and its glory in recent times. The most common terms used are artificial intelligence and machine learning which are the core of the tech industry, but do we understand what work it takes to get the desired result from an AI program implemented in a Legaltech company? Have we thought AI and ML are not just some magic pills, but a system designed to ease human jobs? let's take a look at what work it takes to make Legaltech a one-step solution
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6 Key Benefits of Using Electronic Signature for Your Business

Electronic signatures are at the heart of the paperless workflow. This is why their use has increased dramatically in the last few years. If you're thinking about using electronic signatures in your organization, the six proven benefits outlined below should be enough to push you over the edge.
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The 5 Most Common Reasons Top Legaltech Startups Fail

The top legal tech companies always seem to be on the brink of failure. Why do you think that could be? Read the article to know about it.
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6 Effective Ways Legaltech Can Revolutionize The Financial Industry

The industries of the future are all powered by tech‍. Technology is without a doubt the number one industry and it enables other industries to flourish as well. But one industry has benefitted from it the most. The Finance Industry. How? Read the full article to know.
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10 Things To Look For During A Contract Review

Before you legally bind yourself to oblige to some terms and conditions, make sure you've thoroughly checked the contracts for these key points👇🏻
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Can Legaltech Become A Threat To Lawyers And Their Profession?

86% of lawyers view legal technology as an imminent threat to client business. Some lawyers fear that the profession could be “taken over” by automation and technology, with human lawyers being completely replaced. Others see their role as expanding: technology can perform routine tasks, freeing up legal professionals to focus on more creative work. But what does this mean for those who want to become lawyers? Will it be possible for them to find a place in this new world?
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Women In Legaltech Industry

Women. Law. Technologies. Not three words that would have been placed simultaneously in the past, and certainly not three words that would make up a woman's professional career. However, the focus here is on the past - it's not just women in legal tech anymore, it's successful women in legal tech who are disrupting not one, but two, traditionally male-dominated professions. Read how women are taking the lead in Legaltech companies and what it means for the Legaltech Industry.
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General Counsel Approach Towards Legaltech In Different Countries

The function of a General Counsel is transitioning away from that of a legal expert and risk management and toward that of a business facilitator. And the adoption of Legaltech is increasing in the new age General Counsels. Here's an article on how GCs in different countries are approaching Legaltech.
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Importance Of Contracts To Businesses And Role Of Legaltech In Its Management

Contracts are at the core of every business. But the traditional way of drafting, negotiating, and discussing the terms of contracts, again and again, can be time and cost-consuming. This is where Legaltech comes in. Read how Legaltech can help in managing business contracts.
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Law And Communication – Why Simplicity Is Key?

Why do we need to use jargon when it comes to legal documents? Why can't attorneys just use plain language for it? This question comes to a lot of minds every time they open a legal document. Here's why we need it👇🏻
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Artificial Intelligence And LegalTech Are Taking Over

Is AI taking over the world? What does it mean for the legal industry?🧑🏻‍⚖️ The possibilities of what AI can achieve are endless. Learn how companies are using AI to reach the next level of automation.🤖 Read the full article here👇🏻
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How AI Is Embracing Contract Management & Risk Assessment?

Storing and managing 100s of contracts and documents is tiring. And not being able to find a specific one from them when you need it is just so frustrating.😖 Thanks to AI and Contract management systems, now they don’t have to be. Learn how AI can help you in organizing and managing contracts better👇🏻
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Why Lawyers Can Be Good Programmers

Can a lawyer be a programmer?🤔 What a weird question right?🙄 Turns out you can. And in fact a good one. But should you even try?🤷‍♂️ Here’s why we believe you should👇🏻
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Your Guide Before Signing An Employment Contract

Employment contracts can be tricky.📃 And you don’t always know what EXACTLY you are signing up for. Here’s a guide you can refer to before signing any employment contract. This will help you understand what to look for in such contracts and what to beware of.👀
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Legal Chatbots For Lawyers

Do you know that legal chatbots are available 24/7, offering instant support to clients and eliminating the need to call or email a law firm’s staff?
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Switch Over To Legal E-Billing For A Better Business

A Legal Trends Report 2020, believes that attorneys on average record only 2.5 billable hours per day, with the rest of their day consumed by less important non-billable tasks.
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Is Your Legal Department Prepared For A Data Breach?

The security of clients’ data should be the top priority for any business, especially if it’s a legal profession. The American Bar Association’s (ABA) Ethical and Model Rules of Professional Conduct mandate lawyers to make every reasonable effort in protecting the client’s information, otherwise face serious legal implications if a breach occurs. 
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Top Trending LegalTech Tools in 2022

What will it take to be a successful law firm in 2022? As the world is not yet over with the pandemic and the industries worldwide are dealing with its consequences, it’s now more important than ever for lawyers to stay acquainted with legal technology trends that they should consider adopting in their private practice, or for their firms. 
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NDA Automation is Bound to Make an Impact on a Business 

Delay in the signing of NDA = Delay in sharing of confidential information = Delay in business projects
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Truths About LegalTech & Myths That Are Keeping Lawyers From Investing

“Digital adoption has taken a quantum leap” due to the pandemic, with companies transitioning to remote work “40 times more quickly than [executives] thought possible,” according to an October 2020 McKinsey report.
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How Technology Benefits the Legal Sector

That old cliché “time is money “is as useful for a Big Law as for a Solo law firm. Find out how you to save 30% of the legal team’s time with technology, which means more money.
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Why your Business needs Contract Automation

Are you overwhelmed by spending precious business hours on reading and managing tons of contracts than getting real-work done? Let’s automate contracts.
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What to Look For When Selecting a LegalTech Software

Having a good set of questions to ask before talking to any legaltech vendor and a checklist of the state-of-the-art functionalities that modern Legal AI software should have, is really important.
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Non-Disclosure Agreements Decomposed

Are you signing an NDA? Check whether each clause is in line with market standards. This article provides data-driven insights into how NDAs are actually used in practice.
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Blockchain Applications in the Legal Field

In recent years Blockchain has created quite a buzz, and could quickly make its way into the legaltech sphere. However...
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AI Based Applications For The Legal Field - Analyzed

There are many software applications that have been introduced in the legal field with the usage of Artificial Intelligence, but not necessarily each and every lawyer...
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LegalTech and Real Estate Transactions - Unexplored Capabilities

No doubt real estate transactions involve intricate processes -beginning with a letter of intent and finishing with a final closing agreement...
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Artificial Intelligence - An Underutilized Tool Or A Hurdle For In-House Legal Departments?

Those Lawyers Not Adopting Legal Technology Could Ultimately Miss Out On "A Very, Very Unfair Advantage".
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How to Save Time and Money Using AI-based Software for your Contract Review

As New Tools Are Made, What Will Soon Separate Success From Failure Is The Ability To Use These Tools In A Fast And Effective Way.
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To ‘Bot’ or Not to ‘Bot’- Does using AI to aid lawyers cause ethical transgressions?

AI Has Made Its Own Niche In Optimizing An Attorney’s Work. This Paradigm-Shift Has Led To Certain Gaps In The Implication Of Professional Ethics...
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History of Tech in Law: A Revisit at How Far Technology Has Come

Looking At History, The Legal Sector Has Taken More Time Than Other Sectors, On Average, To Adopt New Technologies.
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Why Investing In LegalTech Makes Sense For Your In-House Team/Law Firm

COVID-19 Has Forced Essentially Every Industry, Including Law, To Digitalize. Although The Resistance To Innovation Of This Sector Is Strong...
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LegalTech 101: What the Buzz is All About

Inside The Article, All The Major Advancements That Have Contributed To The Further Digitalization Of The Legal Profession.
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Artificial Intelligence is Enabling Accuracy and Scalability in Contract Review

Research Shows That Inefficient Contracting Causes Firms To Lose Between 5% To 40% Of The Value On A Given Deal.
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Avoid the Unknowns

Our automated risk analysis will save precious time and help you understand the key provisions and the risks of any legal document.

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